Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Lemons Life current affairs

So much has transpired since my last update. Our most recent affairs have been challenging and we have all been successful! The biggest challenge has been moving. With the economy the way it has been life has proven difficult for us. Thanks to the dishonesty of ex's in our lives our income has far exceeded our lifestyle. We live quite a modest life. We don't have any credit cards. One car payment, rent, utilities, gas for the cars. The big hit comes from the responsibility of having a blended family, ex's (dishonest ones at that), and great morals. I am very thankful that I have a very close and supportive family.

By the end of this month we will be residing full time at my parents house in Inola. Once we get everything moved over to Inola and settled in I will begin my new adventure of homeschooling Chris & Kayla. Until we are settled we are transporting them daily to Claremore school. I am intimidated by homeschooling, yet I am positive that I will be successful and the kids of course will do great. We are planning on Kayla playing softball again when the season comes around. We are considering enrolling her in dance lessons. We are going to get Chris involved in martial arts. I am not sure if there are any other sports available in this area that are rec for Chris' age.

We have redesigned the girls' bedroom in an attempt to appease the critics in our lives. We set Daelynn up with an adorable canopy (Disney Princess will have to do for now) to cover her bed so that she feels like a princess. We filled her bed with stuffed animals and blankets and pillows. We put a night light under Kayla's bed to ward off any monster's that might find Daelynn appetizing. We also have two of the four walls reserved for whatever deco Daelynn would like to have put up. The next trip my parents make to my Uncle's house will include picking up the hide-a-bed that we got for Dae so that she will have more than just a mattress to sleep on. I find it very interesting that Daelynn has always been very happy with her bed. She liked the fact that she had a mattress on the floor because she didn't have to worry about falling off the bed. Seems as though the problem has been passed on from elsewhere.

Logan is doing just wonderful. He is such a happy baby. He is growing so much. At the last Dr's appointment he was four months old. He weighed 14 lbs 8.5 ounces and was 25 1/2 inches long. Everything is going great with him. We bought him a bounce bounce baby (it's like a walker, but has no mobility, just a pad to bounce on) and some new items to terrorize with his mouth. Tommy has changed his nickname from Super pooper to Super Soaker. It is insane the amount of drool that he can produce! I know that many people have suggested that we start him on solid foods. So far he has been exclusively breast fed and is thriving. Since he is so satisified and doing so well we have decided to wait to start solid foods.

Tommy and I are doing great! We are enjoying our children and family. School is going as well as can be expected for me. I am very fortunate to have Mom & Tommy around. They are both so willing to help me with whatever I need. Dad would be just as willing, but Mom & Tommy beat him to the punch. I am looking forward to Thursday night. It will be my very first ladies night! I am very excited to get to spend some time with some amazing women that I am blessed to know.

Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe time until next time!


Alicia said...

Some comments here, I have to keep reserved as they're not suitable perhaps for all your readers. I won't continue with that part. Sounds like you've been busy, busy, busy!

Sabrina Lemons said...

Well, Alicia...feel free to email me! I would love to chat!