Most people think that I am a very well put together person. They count on me to do things. They believe that I am capable of anything without even the slightest struggle...
Okay...well...that is what I think people think of me. I could be totally off and they could think of me as the real person that I am. I am REAL. I am REAL-ly...really disorganized...forgetful...mindless at times...and exhausted.
I've tried throughout my entire adult life to be the person that I think everyone else thinks I am. I've never been successful at it. No matter what I've has always fallen to the way side.
Jen and Alicia seem to have it together. I tell them that ALL the time. They have different methods of achieving their greatness.
Jen chooses to FLY.
I haven't figured out how Alicia does it yet. But I will!
I'm all about reapplying things (that is a term from my Gatorade means stealing ideas in a pc way). I've complained to Jen about all of the tension and troubles we have as a family.
She gives me that "bless your heart cupcake...I've already been there" expression and guides me on her journey. She FLY's.
So here is my understanding of FLY-ing. There is a here.
Everything you could need to get your life in order is already laid out for you in baby steps on this site. You just have to decide to follow them.
I have been working on the baby steps. They have to be modified a bit...since there is more than one family living in this house. Work in progress folks...WIP (another acronym from Pepsico, i.e. Gatorade).
Day 1 --- Shine your sink.
Day 2 --- Get dressed to shoes.
Day 3 --- Do what you have already done.
I've started a Control Journal. When I initially looked at the link to create one...I was blown away. 19 STEPS!!! Holy COW!!! I don't want my life to be MORE complicated...and if a simple thing like a control journal is going to take 19 steps...well bless my soul!!!
Jen encouraged me through it. Here are her words from Facebook: "Jennifer Murray It's a lesson in baby steps! One bite at a time, remember? Just do the first step today. Worry about the next step tomorrow!"
{Sigh...} Alright. I'll give it a shot. Better than a kick in the head...right?!?! So I looked at step 1. By was far easier than I anticipated...and seemed rather juvenile. All I had to do was get a 1 inch 3 ring binder and put a picture of the fam on the front and about 15 sheets of paper on the inside. That is all? I could have gotten my life in order almost 20 years ago by starting with this simple step? CRAP!!! I was cynical that I would feel any sense of accomplishment from it. Who knew that finding 15 sheets of paper would be so challenging!!! It is. Especially if you are as unorganized as I am, and have to work around 2 families including a napping baby.
At the end of the evening, I DID have a sense of accomplishment from completing step 1. I'm finished with step 3. Tomorrow will be another footprint behind me to getting my life in order.
My life didn't get this way overnight. It will take time to get it in baby step at a time.
My life didn't get this way overnight. It will take time to get it in baby step at a time.
You can do it Momma! You're awesome!!!!
Your life may be disorganized "although" it doesn't seem so to me the casual observer, but your thoughts and the way you express them here on your blog and in person are not. I wonder if you are of the mind that a cluttered desk is a cluttered mind; or are you a member of the "order in chaos" group?
I'm proud of you, cupcake! <3
I believe whole heartedly that a cluttered desk is a cluttered mind. I secretly lose it in my head all the time when things aren't in order.
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