Sunday, April 17, 2011

What's on your mind? It's the little things!


 Every time I log in to Facebook..."What's on your mind?" Hmm...sometimes I share. Sometimes I keep what's on my mind all to myself. Sometimes, I want to share it. I want to scream it loudly. I think that it would offend a lot of people. 

Perhaps this post will be found on the ill side of some of the readers. Perhaps some of the readers need to re-evaluate the situation and take some time to look deeply with introspect. 

How do you define yourself as a friend? We all have them. Facebook is the perfect platform to see that. Just click on someone's will see...specific numbers of friends. What kind of friend are they? How many people on your personal friends list are truly friends...and how many are simply acquaintances in the simplest form or advanced form...just not quite to the friend status? 

Before we can decide who are friends are, we have to understand what a 'friend' is. Webster's defines a 'friend' as several different things. "One attached to another by affection or esteem" with a subgroup as "acquaintance", "a favored companion" would be my definition of a friend. Then let me add the word 'best' before that. "A person with whom someone shares extremely strong interpersonal ties with as a friend" so says Wiki. 

Now that the terms have been defined...let me tell you what sort of friend I am. I will hold your hair back as you are leaned over praying to the proverbial porcelain god because you had one too many shots of tequila. I'll listen as you scream the worst obscenities imaginable because your husband has crossed you yet again. I'll hold your hand and walk you through the room as you go to visit your child that is in the hospital for a reason you desperately need to know. And not even a concern. So you live in another town...and you are having a terrible day...I will drop a lovely little gift off on your doorstep. You are stuck at the office and need something to take your mind off of the stress from the day? Here is some Starbucks...just for you. Your first time to stand before a crowd of strangers that expect you to lead them to a healthier life...I would drive all the way to Oklahoma City for that. hour and a half away...just to support you...YOU BETCHA!

Isn't that what friends do? They go out of their way to brighten someone else's day...don't they?  Or do they only relate to someone as long as it fits their schedule...or seems like they may gain from it somehow...or how it makes them look to everyone on the lovely world of Facebook? circle is small. There aren't many that can accept me with my ups and downs. I come with drama and opinions. And I'll let you in on a little secret...I come with feelings too. That's right. Easily affected feelings...the girlie kind. Not many are willing to accept all of that. Those that won't, meh, merely acquaintances. 

Oh, and what if we add the word best before it? Hmpfh...well...KATY BAR THE DOOR!!! Very little is off limits to the few with that title. I hold nothing back in their case. 

Two of my best friends are amazing. They know that it is the little things that count. They take time for me, just as I take time for them. Even those that live as far away as Oklahoma City or Petal. We have a reciprocating relationship. Very few limits. After reading all of that...unless you are a mere which case you aren't even on this page...I hope that you look introspectively at our relationship. Is there room for improvement?


Samara Sant said...

I wish I could see you more often, I think you have an amazing spirit, and I love spending time with you as do my other friends.

Sabrina Lemons said...

Thank you Samara =) I wish that our schedules weren't conflicting!